Party-Appointed Arbitrator
Party-Appointed Arbitrators on the PrecipiceBy Larry Schiffer3rd Quarter 2021
Navigating through the Ethical Thicket in Reinsurance ArbitrationsBy Wm. Gerald McElroy, Jr.FIRST QUARTER 2011
Spirit of Arbitration, TheBy Jack E. KoepkeTHIRD QUARTER 2010
Altering the Structure of Reinsurance Arbitrations: Are Old Habits Too Hard to Break?By Michael S. OlsanFOURTH QUARTER 2010
Ethics Issues in Reinsurance ArbitrationBy Nick J. DiGiovanni, Michael A. KnoerzerFIRST QUARTER 2008
Case Notes Corner: Federal Court Breaks Umpire Selection DeadlockBy Ronald S. GassFOURTH QUARTER 2006
Leveling the Playing Field: An Analysis of Neutrality of Issues in Reinsurance ArbitrationBy Larry P. SchifferFIRST QUARTER 2006
The Role of the Umpire in Reinsurance ArbitrationBy James F. DowdFIRST QUARTER 2006
Evolving Standard of Arbitrator Neutrality, TheBy Vincent Vitkowsky, Jeanne M. KohlerFIRST QUARTER 2005
When an Arbitrator Dies: Federal Court Rules That the Arbitration Must Begin Fresh — CASE NOTES CORNERBy Ronald S. GassFOURTH QUARTER 2004
Panel Selection and Grounds for Disqualification of Arbitrators in Reinsurance ArbitrationBy David AttisaniTHIRD QUARTER 2004
Current State of Reinsurance Arbitration: Addressing the Common Areas of ComplaintBy Anne Quinn, Jack WhittleFOURTH QUARTER 2003
Seventh Circuit Reverses Vacation of Award for Evident Partiality: Arbitrator's Failure to Disclose — CASE NOTES CORNERBy Ronald S. GassFOURTH QUARTER 2002
International Arbitration — Selecting the Party-Appointed ArbitratorBy Paul D. FriedlandSECOND/THIRD QUARTER 1999
UK and US PerspectivesBy Simon TwidgerFALL 1998