feature Imgae

New Executive Director

As many of you have experienced firsthand, ARIAS has faced a number of challenges this year in the transition from MCI to DPS. As a result, and together with DPS, the Board has made the decision to replace Tracy Schorle with Larry P. Schiffer as the new Executive Director.

Larry is a long-time ARIAS member and currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the ARIAS Quarterly and as a member of the Ethics Discussion Committee, the Technology Committee, and the MemberClicks Task Force. Larry has extensive experience with most facets of ARIAS and has held numerous leadership positions in various organizations and bar associations.

Larry will take on all responsibilities of Executive Director and will supervise and work with the staff of DPS to provide administrative and member services to ARIAS. Like Bill Yankus before him, I have no doubt that Larry will whip us into shape and keep the trains running on time. I hope all of you will welcome Larry as he works to resolve the various issues with registrations, membership, certifications and the interface between the membership database and the arbitrator database on the ARIAS website.

Alysa Wakin – Chairperson