Credit Card Surcharge Starting January 1, 2025

As you may already know, when a customer uses a credit card for payment, the merchant incurs a fee.  For several years, ARIAS•U.S. has been absorbing those fees when members use credit cards to pay for conferences, membership dues, etc.  In the past few years, credit card fees have cost ARIAS approximately $30,000 per year. Because of this significant cost and because those resources could be reallocated to better use, the ARIAS Board has decided that the organization will no longer absorb these fees, and a 3% surcharge be added to all credit card transactions starting January 1, 2025. This includes all membership dues payments, registration fees for all educational events, the online ethics course, sponsorships, and all conferences.

Please keep in mind that the 3% fee on credit cards can be avoided:  members may pay by check or by ACH to avoid the 3% fee (there is a slight fee to ARIAS for ACH transactions, which the association will absorb). Every invoice contains the information on how to pay by check or ACH. If you pay by credit card and need a receipt showing the 3% surcharge, contact