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ARIAS•U.S. Mentoring Program

The ARIAS•U.S. Mentoring Program is designed to give newer Arbitrators the ability to seek advice and assistance directly from experienced ARIAS•U.S. Certified Arbitrators on issues relating to arbitration procedure, case management, ethics and practice management, and development. The program is not designed, nor shall it be used, to provide substantive legal advice or to recommend rulings in ongoing arbitrations. Rather, it is designed to help newer arbitrators navigate their way through what may be an unfamiliar process of setting up and managing a new arbitration practice or managing an arbitration proceeding.

How the Mentoring Program Works for Mentees

ARIAS•U.S. staff will maintain a list of experienced arbitrators willing to serve as mentors under the Program. New arbitrators seeking assistance under the program will contact ARIAS by email to mentor@arias-us.org. The message should include name, general subject matter of the request, and time sensitivity of the request. Click Here to review the mentoring program procedures.

Mentors will be assigned based on the  newer arbitrators preference. If the newer arbitrator does not have a preference, mentors will be selected on a rotating basis, depending on their work load and availability. Once ARIAS staff has identified an available mentor, the arbitrator will be put in touch with that mentor.

Questions? For questions about the Mentoring Program, please contact ARIAS•U.S. staff at 773-913-2004 or mentor@arias-us.org.

ARIAS•U.S. Mentors

We thank the Certified Arbitrators who have agreed to serve as mentors, and  hope that new Arbitrators will take advantage of this member benefit.

Nasri Barakat
Kathy Billingham
Susan Claflin
Dale Crawford
Paul Dassenko
Susan Grondine-Dauwer
Mark S. Gurevitz
Dan Schmidt
Roger M. Moak
Jeremey R. Wallis
Andy Walsh

Interested in Becoming a Mentor? 

For certified arbitrators interested in becoming an ARIAS Mentor, send an email request to mentor@arias-us.org. Mentors must be ARIAS•U.S. members in good standing and have at least 15 completed arbitrations, to be considered.