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ARIAS•U.S. 2021 Education Seminar (Virtual)

Increasing Mediation Opportunities: Exploring ARIAS’ New Mediation Initiative

This year’s annual education seminar addresses mediation, featuring several panels discussing a variety of topics. These include the pros and cons of mediating various disputes, mediator skills and whether industry experience is needed, best practices for a successful mediation, and potential new areas for ARIAS to mediate. This seminar will also introduce new guidelines for ARIAS•U.S. Qualified Mediator Certification and how to move forward with joining this experienced group. There will also be 45 minutes of small-group networking following the sessions.

To encourage more company representatives and young members to attend and network with arbitrators, we are offering the following incentives:

  • Company Representatives: Register 1 & Bring 2 Colleagues complimentary
  • Law Firms: Register 1 & Bring 2 Associates complimentary
  • Arbitrators: Get 50% off this seminar when you register for the Spring Conference

Course Information

Date & Time:

Wednesday, March 31, 2021
2:30pm – 5:45pm EST / 1:30pm  – 4:45pm CT

Location: Zoom Meeting

Seminar Sessions

Seminar Objectives 

  • Identifying opportunities to utilize mediation effectively
  • Developing the skills to become an effective mediator, including ARIAS’s new certification process
  • Perspectives from insurers/cedents, reinsurers and policyholders
  • Networking immediately following seminar


Click here to access the headshots and bios for all seminar faculty.


Continuing Education

ARIAS•U.S. Arbitrator Certification:
This seminar counts towards the ARIAS•U.S. Certification requirements. If you are interested in initial certification, you may need to attend one or two seminars under Option C of the ARIAS•U.S. Certification application. Click here for more information.

CLE Credit:
ARIAS•U.S. is an accredited provider of New York State and Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education. A total of 2.5 NY & PA CLE credits are available to those who attend this seminar; all credits are for areas of professional practice. CLE Credits for IL are currently pending.

Financial Hardship Policy

Financial Hardship Policy Statement: As required by the New York and Illinois CLE Boards, if a member of the state’s bar would like to attend an ARIAS•U.S. seminar, but finds that he or she would incur a financial hardship by doing so, an application for waiver of the attendance fee may be made to the Board of Directors of ARIAS•U.S. Such application would be held in strict confidence.


For questions about this seminar or to take advantage of the deals, please contact info@arias-us.org or call 703-574-4087.