Asbestos: From a reserving standpoint, managed adverse development of a forty year old book.
Automobile Liability/Property: Managed the P&L for $450 million portfolio.
Bad Faith/Eco: Custom and Usage, bad faith experience as an expert witness.
Catastrophes (Casualty): Primarily OD WC.
Catastrophes (Property): Underwrote, structured and purchased Property Cat porograms.
Commercial Liability: Managed a portfolio of roughly $500 million of Excess Liability and Umbrella business.
Commercial Property: Extensive experience with commercial property underwriting, both on a facultative and treaty basis.
Contract Wording: Crafted facultative certificate wording as well as program and treaty per occurrence wording.
Energy: Property Co-Gen and on shore rig experience.
Excess/Surplus Lines: As a reinsurer, roughly $300 million of our business was E&S.
Lloyd's: Lloyd's coverholder for over 10 years.
MGA/MGU: Executive/Underwriting management of two MGU start-ups as a Lloyd's coverholder.
Personal Lines: Facultative reinsurer of high value Homeowners business and Personal Umbrella.
Third Party Administrator: Claims procees on Lloyd's business.
Workers' Compensation: WC OD.