Ann Field
Personal Information
  • Address:
    523 S Cook Street
    Barrington, Illinois 60010
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Email:
  • Attorney:
  • Education:
    JD: Valparaiso University BA: Macalester College
  • Certified Arbitrator:
  • Qualified Mediator:
Work Experience
Current director of an insurance or reinsurance company: Yes
Former director of an insurance or reinsurance company: Yes
Current officer of an insurance or reinsurance company: Yes
Former officer of an insurance or reinsurance company: Yes

Insurance Company: Insurance Department, Executive Officer (CEO, COO, CFO, Chief Actuary), Claim Department, Ceded Reinsurance Department

Law Firm Experience: Associate

Other Work Experience: Broker

By Market
Bermuda/Off- Shore Market: 1-25%
U.K. Market: 1-25%
U.S. Market: 75-100%
Mediation Experience
Minimum Number of Mediations as Counsel: 2
Arbitration Experience
Number of Arbitrations as an Arbitrator: 31
Number of Appointments as Arbitrator: 31
Completed Arbitrations as Arbitrator: 31
Umpire Experience
Number of Arbitrations as an Umpire: 19
Number of Appointments as Umpire: 19
Completed Arbitrations as Umpire: 19
*Experienced Arbitrator, Umpire, Consultant, and Mediator with over 25 years of global insurance and reinsurance industry experience. *While in-house counsel, managed over 100 arbitrations reinsurance arbitrations involving complex insurance and reinsurance coverage issues across many lines of business as both a cedent and a reinsurer. *Extensive procedural and substantive experience from serving on over 40 arbitrations as an arbitrator and umpire. *ARIAS certified Arbitrator since 2007. * Mediation Certificate secured from Northwestern University and ARIAS certified mediator since 2016.