About ARIAS•U.S.
The AIDA Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Society, ARIAS•U.S., is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to improving the insurance and reinsurance arbitration process for the international and domestic markets. Founded in 1994, ARIAS•U.S. provides initial training and continuing education in the skills necessary to serve effectively on an insurance/reinsurance arbitration panel. In addition, ARIAS•U.S. certifies a pool of qualified arbitrators that parties involved in a dispute can use to find the appropriate persons to resolve the matter in a professional, knowledgeable and cost-effective manner.
ARIAS•U.S. celebrated its 30th Anniversary in 2024. For a list of 30th Anniversary Sponsors click here.
The Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances (AIDA) is an international organization of attorneys, professors, regulators, and others who are interested in international or comparative aspects of insurance law and regulation. Founded in Europe in 1960, AIDA has grown to an association of some 50 national chapters throughout the world dedicated to enhancing the understanding and workings of international insurance law. Learn more about other ARIAS Societies
By establishing both ethical and procedural guidelines and best practices for arbitrators, ARIAS•U.S. aims to reduce costs, streamline processes, curtail unnecessary discovery proceedings and enable the fair resolution of disputes.
ARIAS•U.S. is governed by a board of directors comprising current and former senior executives from reinsurers, insurers, and attorneys in private practice, and experienced arbitrators in the industry.
The ARIAS•U.S. Board of Directors and members act as a think-tank for insurance/reinsurance arbitration arena, developing alternative contract language designed to streamline the arbitration process and proposing solutions to intractable problems in insurance arbitrations. ARIAS•U.S. is an appropriate reaction to changing industry conditions. The ongoing demand for reinsurance arbitrations requires a well-trained cadre of qualified arbitrators.