John Finston
Personal Information
  • Address:
    330 E 38th Street
    Apt 48F
    New York, New York 10016
  • Phone:
  • Email:
  • Attorney:
  • Education:
    Johns Hopkins Univ BES 1977 St John’s Law School JD 1980
  • Additional Information:
    NYDFS Exec Deputy Superintendent 10/22-12/23
    CA Dep Comm & General Counsel 1/12-5/17
    Federal Crop Insurance Corp. Director 1/13-11/21
  • Certified Arbitrator:
I have served as Executive Deputy Superintendent of the NY DFS and as General Counsel of the California Department of Insurance. While in those positions I also served as Chair and Vice Chair of the NAIC Reinsurance Task Force, Chair of the Receivership Task Force and participated in several Supervisory Colleges of international insurers.

In addition to my public service I was a partner at several law firms where I specialized in insurance regulatory, reinsurance and insurance insolvency matters.