David Anderson
Personal Information
  • Attorney:
  • Education:
    MA / MBA. Business and Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin. BA. Political Science, Amherst College
  • Languages Spoken (English is Assumed):
    Portuguese, Spanish
  • Offering Services as Expert Witness in:
    credit insurance and political risk insurance
  • Certified Arbitrator:
Work Experience
Current officer of an insurance or reinsurance company: Yes

Insurance Company: Insurance Department, Underwriting Department

Other Work Experience: Consultant

Breakdown of Experience
Contract Wording: --Negotiating policy wordings in credit and political risk --Analyzing underlying loan agreements and guarantees in underwriting process
Financial Guarantee: --Negotiating policy wordings in credit and political risk --Analyzing underlying loan agreements and guarantees in underwriting process
International: --Negotiating policy wordings in credit and political risk --Analyzing underlying loan agreements and guarantees in underwriting process
Lloyd's: --Negotiating policy wordings in credit and political risk --Analyzing underlying loan agreements and guarantees in underwriting process
London Company Market: --Negotiating policy wordings in credit and political risk --Analyzing underlying loan agreements and guarantees in underwriting process
Political Risk : --Underwriter and manager since 1998 --current head of political risk at Starr (since 2021)
By Market
U.K. Market: 1-25%
U.S. Market: 75-100%
I am an underwriter and manager of credit insurance and political risk insurance since 1998, with time at Citigroup, FCIA (Great American), and Zurich. Currently, I am the head of political risk at Starr Insurance Companies. I am also an expert witness and certified arbitrator with ARIAS.

As an expert witness, I've handled twelve cases across the New York, London, Singapore, and Hong Kong jurisdictions, engaged by seven different major law firms. I have direct experience insuring a wide variety of investments and loan structures, including short term trade receivables and trade finance, structured trade finance, project finance, sovereign and sub-sovereign loans, political risk (PRI) for property and mobile assets, and PRI for infrastructure projects in over 100 countries.