ARIAS-U.S. Committees
To fill out the ARIAS Committee Interest Form, please click here.
Member Services Committee
Purpose: To facilitate the engagement of current members within the organization and to propose to the Board/Strategic Planning Committee events aimed at potential membership expansion, educational, and networking opportunities.
Women’s Resource Committee
Purpose: To develop opportunities and programming that emphasize women’s networking strategies, career advancement, and mentorship in the ARIAS∙U.S. community.
Arbitrator Services Committee
Purpose: To promote discussion on issues that are important to the arbitrator community, develop opportunities and programming that emphasize Arbitrator networking strategies, career advancement, and mentorship in the ARIAS∙U.S. community.
International Committee
Purpose: To raise the ARIAS·U.S. membership’s awareness of international arbitration issues and developments; ; compile a current list of international conferences, meetings and seminars focusing on international arbitration generally and insurance/reinsurance specifically; coordinate with other ARIAS·U.S. Committees on articles and seminars/conference sessions addressing international arbitration principles.
Technology Committee
Purpose: To provide technology information to members, develop and present programming at ARIAS•U.S. meetings on technology for arbitrators and other technology useful to arbitrations, and assist with website and social media efforts.
Education Committee
Purpose: To develop educational programs for arbitrators, counsel and company representatives with particular emphasis on providing programs for arbitrators to meet certification requirements; Obtain speakers and materials for programs.
Forms and Procedures Committee
Purpose: To update, create and/or revise ARIAS•U.S. Forms and Procedures.
Law Committee
Purpose: Monitor and provide objectively drafted summaries of developments in the law for ARIAS•U.S., primarily by providing monthly case summaries for use in the ARIAS•U.S. Quarterly, website, etc. The committee does not provide legal advice but will report on key insurance, reinsurance and arbitration matters.