2024 Intensive Arbitrator Workshop
Workshop Scenario
Workshop Agenda
The Intensive Arbitrator Training Workshop is a full-day session focused on the effective engagement of party arbitrators. Presentations by industry veterans and involvement in mock sessions will emphasize the role of the party-appointed arbitrator in the arbitration process. The program is structured so that all arbitrator participants have the opportunity to function in the arbitrator’s role in a hands-on mock arbitration. Panel members will be presented with arguments by participating attorneys. They will then deliberate “in private” in front of the other participants, including instructors, who will provide feedback.
This program is designed for newer or aspiring arbitrators; this training is also a great way for veteran arbitrators to refresh their knowledge and skills. It is required for anyone who intends to apply for arbitrator certification under Options B or C of the Arbitration Experience / Knowledge Component.
ARIAS•U.S. Arbitrator Certification:
This workshop counts towards the ARIAS•U.S. Certification requirements. If you are interested in initial certification, you may need to attend one or two seminars under Option C of the ARIAS•U.S. Certification application. Click here for more information. This workshop cannot be used to satisfy the ARIAS·U.S. Arbitrator Certification renewal requirements.
CLE Credit:
ARIAS•U.S. is an accredited provider of New York State and Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education. NY/PA CLE credits are available to those who attend this seminar; all credits are for areas of professional practice. CLE Credits for IL are pending.